
This page is to help you create and use packages.

Package Creation

Start by creating a service first. Here’s how we created our Dog Walking service:

When on Services page, click the button on the top to get to Packages list page:

Once on the Packages list page, click the ‘Add Package’ button:

Our Dog walking service usually costs $20 for an hour and $15 for each additional pet. Let’s set a 10% discount, for instance, if a client books 10 walks at a time. That means, each walk would be $18 and $13.5 correspondingly, thus, modifying the package price to $180 normally + $135 for an additional pet.

You can add several services to a package, and, of course, keep in mind that it’s up to you what discount you’d like to offer (if any) and what to include in a package.

If you want your client to book a package themself, don’t forget to tick the ‘Client can book this package’ in the ‘Option’ section when creating a package. Otherwise, you’ll be the only one who can add it to orders.

How to use Packages

Now you’re able to create a new order with your package! Go to the Orders list and add a new order:

As an example, we added two dogs for a walk, the new package is there in the Services list now, so you should just pick it. The price is automatically counted depending on the number of pets added.

You can check the package and its status at the Client page:

To use a package, go to an Order creation and choose a corresponding service used in your package. The system will automatically count the price as $0 and inform that a pass will be used for the order.

If you’d not like to use a package for an order, just change the price to the preferred, so a pass won’t be gone.

When you delete an appointment that included a package pass, the package pass will be returned to the client and they’ll be able to use it again.

As soon as you’ve saved the order, you can see the number of the passes left on the Client page:

Clients can see their active packages on their Dashboard:

That’s it! Now you can add your own packages with your own ideas and use it 🙂